Wednesday, September 30, 2015

What's Up Wednesday

It's the last Wednesday in September.  It's the last day of September.  Tomorrow is the first day of October!

I truly do not know where this month went!  But with Lacie starting school, John's crazy work schedule, and dance class - we have been busy busy busy! 

Like I always do, I am linking up with Mix and Match Mama to bring you my What's Up Wednesday! 

What We're Eating This Week
Pizza and Wine
Just kidding...not really.
We are also making my Crockpot Pulled Pork Tacos!

What I'm Reminiscing About
The closer that Paisley gets to one the more I reminisce about this:

And because she looks identical to Blakely, I have been reminiscing about this:

And since Lacie started school, I have also been reminiscing about this:

Where did these tiny, sweetest, snuggliest babies go?!?

What I'm Loving
Fall!  The weather has been glorious!  Cool nights and mornings but still warm during the day!  This is my favorite type of weather.  Cook enough that I can wear leggings and a long sleeve t-shirt...but still warm enough that I can wear flip flops!  Seriously I hold onto flip flops until it's cold enough to wear Uggs! 

What We've Been Up To
A little bit of everything!  Mostly September has just been a huge adjustment month for everyone!  Lacie went from being home full time to being in preschool five mornings a week.  That's been tough for everyone - no more lazy mornings!  Blakely also really misses her big sis when she's at school!

What I'm Dreading 
Nothing!  Except snow.  Yep.  I'm seriously already thinking about how much I hate snow!

What I'm Working On
Being more organized!  With Lacie starting school, and our schedules getting busier, I have to be super organized!  My Erin Condren planner is my BFF!  In fact, Lacie's preschool gave us the schedule for the entire year which meant that I needed to order my 2016 planner already!

You can click here to sign up for an Erin Condren account and get $10 off your first purchase!

What I'm Excited About 
Disney World!!!
We go to Disney in 45 Days!!!
45 Days!!!
When we planned this trip it seemed so far away, and now it's almost here!

What I'm Watching/Reading
I am currently binge watching 90210 on Netflix (don't judge)!  I watched the original and I started watching this back in 2008 but I never kept up with it.  Now I'm hooked!  Sometimes a Mama just needs to watch mindless high school drama during nap time! 

And these two shows are back on!!!

And I am actually reading a book!  Woot!  My sweet friend Amanda lent me a book called Bringing Up Bebe - so far it's a really easy read about French style parenting!  

What I'm Listening To
Tomorrow is October so we listen to a lot of this in the car:

And any time the kids are not with me, I'm listening to this:

What I'm Wearing
Christmas Pajamas!  I may not love the winter and cold weather - but I get seriously excited when it's cold enough at night for me to wear coozy, fleece Christmas PJs!  And for my that temperature is when it's below 70 at night!

What I'm Doing This Weekend
Lacie has her third soccer practice/game.  The first two were a bit tough for her and I told her that she didn't have to go but she is saying she wants we shall see!

We are also celebrating my friend Amanda's daughter Blair's First Birthday!
Her first birthday tells me that Paisley's first birthday isn't that far away...

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month
More Fall Weather!
Pumpkin Spice Everything!
New Fall Recipes!

What Else Is New
Going to Disney in 45 days means that there are only 45 days until this little miss turns THREE!  Sometimes I am very guilty of thinking that she is 4 like Lacie - they've basically been raised like twins.  But she's really only 2!

What Is My Favorite Halloween Tradition
Trick or Treating!  Growing up my mom didn't keep candy in the house.  Ever.  She fed us really healthy food and treats were Halloween was my kind of holiday!  I would make a map of the neighborhood so that I could ensure we hit every single house!  And halfway through trick-or-treating I would stop at home to empty my pillowcase full of candy so that I could do the other half of the neighborhood! 
Now that I am a Mama, I don't let my kids eat candy either.  They get dessert and treats but I don't let them have a ton of candy!  Plus with Lacie's allergy, a lot of candy is unsafe!  So instead, the girls go trick or treating but they leave their candy out for the "Switch Witch."  She comes and takes the candy and leaves safe treats, toys, and some new clothes - usually Christmas PJs!  I love this tradition! 


  1. All those sweet baby pictures. It goes so fast!
    I have my 2016 EC planner in front of me right now too... crazy how you need to start planning way before the year even starts.
    I'm jealous of your Disney trip! How fun is that going to be!!!

  2. Hi there! Found you from the link up, I have 3 girls also (14, 12 and 9) love, love, love the baby pics! I am Erin Condren obsessed also, cannot wait to get my new planner for Christmas!

  3. Can I come on your Disney trip???!!! Disney is by far my happy place! Great post! I found your blog via the linkup. Have a blessed day!

  4. Those taco stuffed peppers look amazing!! Love my EC life planner! I seriously can't wait to see what happens on Grey's Anatomy & Scandal this season.

  5. Oh, I love those pajamas!
    And I want to read Bringing up Bebe. On my "list".
    Also, those taco stuffed peppers look so, so good. I'm hungry, now. Ha!

    Happy Thursday!



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