Monday, September 14, 2015

Mommy Mondays: Lacie Goes to Preschool

So this happened on Friday:


I don't know when she became old enough to get dropped off at school, but she is!  So many Mamas have told me that once this day finally came I would be pushing her out the door...but I just don't feel that way.  As much as I want Lacie to go to school, I miss her sweet face so much when she is away from me!  Plus, I feel that children have the rest of their lives to be in school but you only get five years with them at home, so why would I want to rush school.  But in the end, I used to teach and I know how beneficial preschool is for kids.  Which is why John and I ultimately made the choice to send her even though we had some reservations.  Lacie will attend the very same school I attended <26 years ago> five half days each week!  I think it will be a really nice way for her to transition to full day kindergarten next year!  

Ready to go.  She was most excited about her backpack and lunchbox! 

So proud of our big girl! 

My parents and sister came over to send Lacie off to school! 

Blakely may be smiling in this picture, but after we dropped Lacie off she didn't smile again until it was time to pick her up.  Having them so close in age, 15 months apart, is similar to having twins in that they have an unbelievable bond.  However it's really hard on Blakely because she gets left behind a lot.  Blakely was super happy when it was time to go get Lacie!  I think this will be a tough year for my Sweet B.  She will go to preschool next year! 

John went into work late so that he could drop Lacie off for her very first day!  She looks ready, we look nervous!  Lacie didn't cry at all!  

Ready for School! 

Then I got home and this picture on the left showed up in my timehop.  That was Lacie exactly four years ago!  She was only three weeks old at the time.  If I wasn't already crying, I was now!  Well played timehop, well played!

You can find Lacie's First Day of School Dress Here:
You can find Lacie's First Day of School Headband Here:

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