Thursday, October 30, 2014

#hiloskyeveryday2014 Weeks 43 and 44

Day 290 - my sweet girls always holding hands!  

Day 291 - getting ready to head out to a party!  

Day 292 - 30 Week Bump! 

Day 293 - Having a sister means having someone to do your hair! 

Day 294 - Heath Bar Crunch to celebrate our engagement anniversary! 

Day 295 - Dance Class Wednesday!

Day 296 - Lacie's new North Face arrived in the mail!  She is in love with it!

Day 297 - Cuddling with Blakely Hope before bed! 

Day 298 - At Sesame Place for the Day!  Lacie's new favorite ride is the swings! 

Day 299 - My 31 Week Baby Bump!

Day 300 - her face when she rides her bike is priceless!

Day 301 - I was busy making dinner and I peaked in to see what was going on and they were just hanging out playing with dolls! 

Day 302 - My sweet little Queen Elsa at her Halloween Dance Class! 

Day 303 - 'twas the day before Halloween and Wegmans already had all of their Christmas stuff on full display!  I know people hate this, but I love it!  I cannot wait for Christmas every year, but this year I am extra excited for the arrival of this holiday! 

Friday, October 24, 2014

Friday Favorites

Happy Friday!  It has been a super busy week full of lots of fun favorites!  In fact, I have so many favorites from the week that I don't even know where to begin!

1. Lacie's New North Face
The North Face 'Oso' Hooded Fleece Jacket (Toddler Girls)
When Lacie was one, she got her very first North Face.  The material that these jackets are made out of is unbelievable!  And the little kid ones are wayyyy softer than the adult ones!  Lacie got a lot of wear out of that coat, and it has since been passed down to Blakely.  Well recently Lacie has been very vocal about what she wants to wear, and her jacket is no exception.  She was insistent that she get a new North Face like Blakely' I just had to!  Besides, anything I buy at this point will get years of wear as it is passed down from girl to girl!  I let her pick between the blue and the pink....and my sweet little girl chose PINK!

2. Pumpkin Spice White Chocolate Bars
If you like pumpkin and you like white chocolate...these bars are for you!  They are also a cake mix recipe - a.k.a. the easiest types of recipes that you can whip up in no time flat!  You need to make these pumpkin bars before fall is over!

3. Elsa and Anna Soft Dolls
So we are down to crunch in 56 days until my scheduled c-section and Paisley could always decide to come earlier!  I want everything in place well before December 19th, and one of the things on my ever growing to-do list is Big Sister gifts for Lacie and Blakely!  I saw these adorable plush Elsa and Anna dolls on the Disney website and knew that this was the gift.  Not only are my girls crazy for Frozen, but they will be able to bring these dolls home from the hospital and have a new "friend" to sleep with.  I know they will Love Love Love these dolls, and I am hoping they will really ease the transition to having a new baby!
4. Our Anniversary
John and I celebrate lots of anniversaries from the day we met to our wedding day, but Tuesday October 21st marked our engagement anniversary!  It has been seven years since John asked if I would spend my life with him, and I still feel like it was yesterday!  It is amazing to see where life has taken us since that day in 2007!  I am so blessed to call John my husband!  You can read this post to find out a bit about that day and find the recipe for our celebratory Heath Bar Crunch!

5. Girly Girls
It is no secret that I am a pink loving girly girl!  And Lacie and Blakely seem to be following along the same path!  This especially holds true for Lacie Jane who John and I have declared is 100% girl!  From the way she talks to the way she "runs" there is all girl in her!  The newest and sweetest obsession is for my girls to do each others and Mommy's hair!  Lacie could play dress up, style hair, and put on lip gloss all day long!  So I think it's a safe bet that there will be one of these little play hair sets under the Christmas Tree this year!  

What are your Friday Favorites?!?

Today I am linking up over at Momfessionals! and


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Pumpkin Spice White Chocolate Bars

I have an amazing, seasonal, PUMPKIN recipe for you to add to your recipe box!  I made these last week for a family party at my parents house, and they did not disappoint!  In fact, every single cookie disappeared at a super fast rate!

And these cookies are CAKE MIX RECIPE #48!!!

Your Shopping List for the Pumpkin Spice White Chocolate Bars:

  • one box pumpkin cake mix
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 2 eggs, lightly beaten
  • 1 stick butter, melted
  • 1 bag white chocolate chips

Now Let's Make the Pumpkin Spice White Chocolate Bars:
  1. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and grease a 9x13 baking dish
  2. In a medium sized mixing bowl, stir together the dry cake mix and cinnamon
  3. Add the melted butter and beaten eggs and stir until a soft dough forms
  4. Fold in the white chocolate chips
  5. Press dough into prepared pan
  6. Bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes
  7. Remove pan from oven and use the back of a spatula to press down and flatten the surface of the cookie bars
  8. Place pan on a wire rack and cool completely in pan
  9. Cut into 24 bars and store in an airtight container

You can order a three pack of pumpkin cake mix here:


Monday, October 20, 2014

Mommy Mondays: A Day in the Life of Lacie and Blakely

I just love it when other bloggers do a "Day in the Life" post, because I find it to be a really interesting read.  I have wanted to do one of these posts for awhile, but then I wake up and get so busy with the day that I forget to document what we are doing.  Last Friday, I made an effort to take pictures and write down things that we did throughout the day for this post.  I want to be able to look back at what life was like before we add another sweet baby girl to our family (in less than 9 weeks)!

5:30 a.m. John wakes up for work, and I wake up with him to make his breakfast and coffee and get him out the door by 6:00 a.m.

6:00 a.m. John leaves and I eat my breakfast and catch up on a TV show (on Friday I was watching Thursday night's episode of Parenthood).  

7:00 a.m. I spend about an hour drinking my coffee and working on Blog Stuff!  I will publish my post of the day (Friday Favorites) and answer reader emails, respond to comments, etc.  I also update my planner, check our bank account, pay bills, etc during this time! 

7:45 a.m.  I get my What to Expect weekly update alert!  Hello 30 weeks, you sound so much better than 29 weeks! 

8:00 a.m. is wake up time for the girls.  Sometimes they are awake a bit earlier and other times they are still asleep, but I always go in there exactly at 8 to get the day started! 

8:00 a.m. until 8:30 a.m is when I get the girls dressed and ready for the day.  They go potty, brush teeth, comb hair, etc.  We usually try to FaceTime with Daddy at this point!  Then the girls always want to look in the mirror and/or take daily pictures of their outfits!  Today was a good day for Halloween shirts! 

8:30 a.m. I set the girls up with books to read and I go get myself dressed and ready! 

9:00a.m. Everyone is ready and we head downstairs for Breakfast!!!  The girls will usually put in a request for what they want, and Pop-Pop always stops by to eat with us!  Today we had plain Greek Yogurt with cinnamon and honey on it and clementines (or baby oranges).  

9:30 a.m. We headed out the door to run some errands.  Today we made a trip to the mall to pick up a few things that we needed!  I don't know if Lacie realizes that in 9 weeks she will be getting evicted from that top seat! 

We tried to take a selfie but it was a bit too bright!

My 30 week bump and a much needed Starbucks! 

11:30 a.m. We got home and the girls had some play time while I made lunch.  They did some cooking of their own! 

12 noon - The girls ate a lunch of Spinach Omelets and Bananas per Lacie's request!  

12:30 p.m. We head upstairs and I put some Thieves oil on the girls' feet and set it up in the diffuser just as a precaution in case we picked up any germs at the mall.  Hi, my name is Lindsay and I am a total germaphobe!  

12:45 p.m. Both girls are already sound asleep! 

1:00 p.m. I head downstairs and do a load of laundry.  I do at least one load everyday but most days I try to do two loads so that I am never behind on laundry!  

Next up, I bake some Pumpkin Spice Bars (recipe coming this week).  After baking and cleaning the kitchen a bit, I sit down for an hour with my feet up (doctor's orders) and watch Thursday night's Scandal.  

2:30 p.m. I wake the girls up!  Messy hair is a sign of a good nap! 

3:00 p.m. They get an afternoon snack!  They always have fruit pouches, smoothies, or apple slices for snack!

3:15 p.m. I let the girls play and of course they go back to playing with their kitchen set.  This was the best investment ever!  I switch over the laundry and do a few things around the house while they play with each other.  

3:45 p.m. - We head outside for a walk! 

4:15 p.m. We finish walking, set up a picnic blanket and the girls have time to run around and pick up leaves and rocks.  I try not to have a panic attack about all of the dirt.  Mommy is not into nature or dirt or bugs...but I really try my best not to pass that along to my girls and make sure they do lots of outdoor play! 

5:00 p.m. Lacie had a typical three-year-old-meltdown so I knew it was time to go inside for dinner! 

5:15 p.m. After lots of hand washing, the girls ate dinner - black &white beans, cheese, strawberries, and broccoli/cauliflower/carrots!  They got pumpkin marshmallows for a treat! 

5:45 p.m. We headed upstairs for bathtime!  No one cried in the bath or spilled water out of the tub, so it was a good night! 

6:15 p.m.  Pink Skeleton PJs on, teeth brushed, and now time to blow dry hair!  This is something we had to start again after taking a nice break in the summer (but it's too cold at night now to send them to bed with wet heads). 

6:30 p.m. Since the girls were super well behaved in the bath (and let me tell you how hard it is to bend over that bathtub at 30 weeks pregnant) they got to go in Mommy and Daddy's bed to watch one episode of Sofia the First.  

6:45 p.m.  Daddy is finally home from work and gets a few minutes of cuddle time with the girls! 

7:00 p.m. We do a quick Face Time with Grandmom and Grandpop! 

Then it's time to say goodnight to the girls!  John and I head downstairs to have our dinner and relax on the couch and catch up on our shows!  We get a mini date night every night which is the best part about the girls' early bedtime! 

And that's A Day in the Life at the Hilosky House! 


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