Today is a Show and Tell Tuesday Link Up and the topic is "A Day in the Life."
I absolutely adore these posts! I think it's fascinating to see what people's ordinary, daily lives look like! Total Disclaimer: It wasn't until I turned my planner over yesterday morning that I remembered this link up was today....which meant I had to document all day yesterday! You are getting a very authentic, ordinary Monday at the Hilosky House!
5:15am is Wake Up Time for John and Me!
John has to get up early for work, and I just love being up early!
I always make John's breakfast/lunch and pack him snacks and help him get out the door by 6am
John's almond butter and jelly sandwich!
After John leaves, I make myself a coffee (in my very favorite DISNEY mug) and relax for a bit while watching the news!
During this time I diffuse Peppermint and Thieves essential oil! Peppermint really wakes me up and gives me energy to start the day (plus it clears my sinuses)! Thieves is my daily immunity boost!
After my coffee, I have daily quiet time. I read Jesus Calling (which is a daily devotional), work on the blog, read my favorite blogs, and update my planner/to do list!
Around 7:15am, I eat my breakfast - Sprouted Grain Bread with Almond Butter and Bananas!
I head upstairs around 7:30ish to get myself ready - which really just means wash my face, throw my hair in a mom bun, and put on my gym clothes....
I also have a morning Oil Routine that includes:
Endoflex on my neck for thyroid support and energy
Frankincense on my face for wrinkles
Progessense Plus on my forearms for hormone support
And STRESS AWAY on my temples and the back of my neck and shoulders to literally keep the stress away!
Then I head in to wake the girls. This is what they look like when I wake them up...
Lacie ready to start the day!
Paisley was not so sure...
B wouldn't even lift her head up...
Once they were finally all up, it was time to get dressed! I tried taking pictures of the girls in their sweet matching outfits...and it is just impossible to get one of all three looking! This was the best we got today!
At this point it's 8:30am and we are in the before school rush! I made a quick breakfast of bananas and spinach omelettes.
Nana showed up to finish breakfast with Blakely and Paisley while I ran Lacie to school!
I packed Lacie's lunch and ran out the door!
Made it to school right at 9!
After dropping Lacie off, I headed to the gym for an hour!
On the way home, I ran to Country Gardens to grab some deli meat for the week!
Then it was home to spend the rest of the day with my other girls! Nana left and we played until lunch!
Lunch was greek yogurt with a fruit and veggie on the side!
Paisley went down for her nap and Blakely had some screen time with her Kindle while I ate my lunch, took a shower, and did some laundry!
Paisley naps from 12-3 and when we woke her up she was sporting this bed hair!
Nana picked Lacie up from school (since on M,W,F she stays for an extended day until 3 which of course is when Paisley is sleeping). Nana dropped her off and then I put all three girls in the minivan to head to Starbucks. I drive to one in another town just so I can go through the drive thru!
My favorite summer drink is an Iced Caramel Macchiato (with coconut milk and extra caramel)!
Then we headed to my parent's house so the girls could play with Pop-Pop in their backyard!
Then it was home for dinner! The girls had broccoli, black beans, strawberry, kiwi, and cheese!
Right after dinner is bath time. When I have to do bath with all three by myself...I put Valor on my wrists!
After bath Lacie practiced reading her sight word book for preschool (she has to read to the class tomorrow). She seems nervous about reading this book, so I will probably put some Valor on her tomorrow too!
Everyone brushed teeth!
And then right at 6:30...Daddy walked in the door! This was a nice surprise because I didn't think the girls were going to get to see him!
Paisley got her "baba" which so loves. Notice how she holds her paci while drinking. She is obsessed!
The girls get cedarwood and lavender in their diffuser at night! It's their bedtime jam! By 6:45 they were all sound asleep!
I put on my #MAMA shirt and headed downstairs to cook for John and me!
Steak stir fry over brown rice!
After dinner, we watched TV...
and I cheered on my #MAMAs
Alisan on The Voice
And Jodie on Dancing with the Stars!
Around 10:30 we went up to bed! Tangerine and Patchouli went in our diffuser (this is my sleep jam)!
I also roll some tranquil on my wrists and behind my ears! This helps me relax enough to fall asleep really quickly! By 11pm we were both asleep!
AND THAT is a very typical DAY IN THE LIFE!
Looks like a great day! Your girls are adorable!