Day 92 - These two are the sweetest!
Day 93 - My Tiny Dancers ready for a Saturday Dance Class! We normally go during the week, but we had to make up the classes missed over Spring Break!
Day 94 - My sweet girls looking beautiful in their dance recital costumes!
Day 95 - Sweet Goodnight Hugs!
Day 96 - Three Hilosky Girls ready for Opening Day! Let's Go Yankees! In a PERFECT WORLD, everyone would be a YANKEE FAN!
Day 97 - Lacie heading out the door to the farm for a preschool field trip! I sent Nana in my place (because truthfully I had no desire to go to the farm)...
Day 98 - Little Miss Independent is not happy to sit in the stroller anymore...nor does she want to hold anyone's hand!
Day 99 - typical....Paisley is always climbing in something...which she learned from Blakely!
Day 100 - remember those dance pictures we took a few days ago, well we got the proofs back and I couldn't love them more! How sweet are my dancing sisters?!?! You can see all of the dance pics in my Mommy Monday post HERE!
Day 101 - John and I left the kids with my parents and headed to Atlantic City for our very first every overnight date. This is the first time that I have ever left the girls overnight for any reason other than when I was in the hospital having babies.
Day 102 - AC!
Day 103 - I snapped this picture of Blakely because this is what she does when I wake her up in the know those 13 hours she got the night before were not enough apparently!
Day 104 - Blakely is always extra happy when she gets to wear her Bumble Bee leg warmers to dance! She's our B!

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