Thursday, August 14, 2014

#hiloskyeveryday2014 Weeks 32 and 33

Last Thursday, I posted a very special Gender Reveal Party post, which means there are two weeks worth of #hiloskyeveryday2014 to catch up on!

Day 213 - Happy Birthday to Me!  I turned 29 and hit 19 weeks on August 1st! 

Day 214 - Just a sweet little walk outside! 

Day 215 - our Sunday morning routine is that John's parents bring over pastries!  It's the best! 

Day 216 - Just a fun morning at the park with my girls! 

Day 217 - Getting ready for the big Gender Reveal Party!!!  Blue or Pink?  What Do You Think? (I thought blue)

Day 218 - Baby Hilosky #3 is a GIRL!!!  Introducing sweet Paisley Jean! 

Day 219 - Sister Love!  I can't wait for there to be another sister in the bunch! 

Day 220 - seeing double of Blakely!

Day 221 - 20 Weeks and Halfway There!  Woohoo! 

Day 222 - Family Dinner complete with baked Mac and Cheese and broccoli! 

Day 223 - our children pick up on everything...on this day Lacie turned to me and said, "Mommy I make you dinner!  Mommy take a picture!  Cheese!  Mommy this be the everyday."  I guess even Lacie knows about #hiloskyeveryday2014.

Day 224 - On rainy days, we snuggle under blankets and watch Food Network.

Day 225 - All Lacie has been talking about is how she cannot wait to take dance class!  So on Day 225 I signed her up for the fall.  She had a blast looking at the dance studio's 2014 recital program! 

Day 226 - The Halloween Candy display has arrived at Wegmans!  I am already planning some awesome fall recipes! 


  1. Lindsay, we need more traditional families in this world...I love watching the goings-on at your house!

    1. Aww thank you so much Elizabeth Hilosky! I appreciate you taking the time to read about our simple everyday life!



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