Friday, July 3, 2015

Friday Favorites: Fourth Of July Edition

Happy Happy Friday!  I am doing an extra happy dance today because John is off, so we have a three day weekend!

Here's the thing, Christmas aside, the Fourth of July was always my favorite holiday growing up!  I loved the huge picnic my parents used to throw every year, and I loved loved loved fireworks!  My kids have never seen actual fireworks yet because we follow a super strict bedtime, but I am looking forward to starting that tradition in years to come (maybe next year when Paisley is 18 months old and my bigger girls will be almost 5 and 4).

I shared them for Memorial Day and I am sharing them again!  If you are going to a picnic and you have no idea what to bring - make these cookie bars!  They are easy!  And they are delicious!  And they are festive! 

Speaking of festive food, my Berry Baked Oatmeal would be the perfect July 4th breakfast!  You use raspberries (red) and blueberries (blue) to give the oatmeal a patriotic effect!  Click here for the recipe

3. Firework Art
I saw this idea on Andrea's blog and I fell in love...with how easy it was!  Here's the thing, my girls - especially Lacie - are always asking to do crafts!  They particularly enjoy painting.  And I am not crafty.  My years as a Kindergarten teacher did nothing to instill a love of arts and crafts in probably did the opposite to be truthful.  But this was cute and so so so easy.  Rubber band together 6 bendy straws and then bend them outwards.  Allow the kids to dip into red and blue paint and stamp on paper - creating FIREWORKS!

4. Freshly Picked Born in the USA 
I always make sure my girls have cute Red, White, and Blue outfits for July 4th Weekend, but I've never even thought about their shoes!  Then I saw these Born in the USA moccs, and they are the sweetest things I have ever seen!  
5. All The Red White and Blue
A look back at the girl's Fourth of Julys!

Fourth of July 2014

Last year I was 15 weeks pregnant on July 4th! 

Fourth of July 2013 - Sweet B was 7 months old!

I will always remember Blakely's first July 4th because it was the day she stood up in her crib for the first time...and tried to use the bumper to help her climb out.  Needless to say we lowered the crib that night.  She was only 7 months old!  She walked two months later!

Lacie on July 4th 2013!

Lacie on her first 4th of July - 2012! 

Today I am Linking Up with:

1 comment:

  1. Those baked oatmeal bars look delicious!!! Stopping by from the link-up!



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