Day 318 - my sweet Blakely Hope's very last day as a one year old!
Day 319 - Happy 2nd Birthday Blakely Hope! Guess who picked out her own birthday outfit!?!
Day 320 - It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas! And no it's never too early!
Day 321 - Sister Love!
Day 322 - Just hanging out in our Christmas Jammies!
Day 323 - The very best hubby in the world came home with ice cream for this pregnant mama!
Day 324 - morning snuggles!
Day 325 - when one child realizes you are taking a picture and the other one doesn't!
Day 326 - future cheerleader!
Day 327 - my 35 weeks and 2 days baby bump! Not much room left for Paisley!
Day 328 - Blakely's face when her sister shares her favorite Blabla stuffed animals (and yes Blakely does indeed have lots of "special" stuffed animals of her own).
Day 329 - Pecan Pie thanks to my Father-In-Law! And I couldn't wait until Thanksgiving!
Day 330 - They are obsessed with the tree!
Day 331 - Happy Thanksgiving!
Day 332 - No one cried, both girls sat on Santa's lap, and everyone expressed their Christmas wishes! It was a successful Santa Visit!
Day 333 - Helping make our Saturday Morning Chocolate Chip Pancakes!
Day 334 - 36 weeks - almost there!
Day 335 - December 1st means the Elf on the Shelf delivered 24 wrapped books to count down the days until Christmas! You can read about our tradition in this post!
Day 336 - More Pasta More Pasta! #herplateisbiggerthanherhead
Day 337 - Parent Observation night at dance class. I couldn't be more proud of my tiny dancer!
Day 338 - This little three year old amazes me everyday! So smart!
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