Monday, November 24, 2014

Mommy Mondays: Paisley Jean Update

That picture was taken yesterday - at 35 Weeks and 2 Days pregnant!  I may be smiling but this mama is tired!  

25 Days to Go!!!!!

At the most!  My scheduled c-section date is still December 19th which is only 25 days away!  Crazy!  However, my blood pressure has been creeping up at every single appointment.  At first I was told it was pregnancy induced hypertension, but now my doctors have been saying preeclampsia.  This has really thrown me for a loop because I never had any issues during my pregnancies with Lacie and Blakely!  But Paisley was determined to be different right from the very beginning when she gave me morning sickness and a 15 pound weight gain before we even told people that I was expecting! 

But with all that is going on, I trust my doctors.  I have been seen for weekly appointments since about 28 weeks and they are monitoring everything closely.  Lots of non stress tests and bloodwork for this Mama!  I may be having this little girl earlier than expected - as soon as December 5th (which is less than two weeks away).  The main goal is to make it to 37 weeks when the baby is considered full term! 

For now, I have been put on a "modified bedrest" which is easier said than done!  Stay-At-Home Mamas can't exactly apply for medical disability.  But I do make every effort to put my feet up when my girls are napping or playing nicely with each other.  The house may not be as clean as I like, but that's okay.  

Looking Back Over the Past Few Weeks:

33 Weeks!  This was taken a couple of days after my 32 week growth ultrasound!  Paisley Jean looked wonderful and weighed in at 4 pounds - exactly what she should be measuring at this stage.  From this point on she will gain about another 4 pounds.  This is another way that Paisley is proving to be different - both Lacie and Blakey measured well over 5 pounds (in fact B weighed almost 6 already) at their 32 week ultrasounds.  Both were predicted to be very large babies, and the doctors were almost exact about their birth weights!   

34 Weeks! 

1 comment:

  1. Congrats! Life with 2 girls is awesome! I have a 2 year old and a 9 month old :)




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